Collins Big Cat Progress Series
Band 07 Turquoise / Band 12 Copper
A young boy’s best friend Jamie has just moved away, and he feels no-one could replace him, not even the new boy Daniel. But then he finds his school football team is missing one person. Will he finally be forced to accept someone new into his life? A sweet story of friends new and old.
• Collins Big Cat Progress books are specifically designed for children at Key Stage 2 who have a Key Stage 1 reading level, giving them age-appropriate texts that they can read, building their confidence and fostering positive attitudes towards reading.
• Text type: A story with a familiar setting
• Curriculum links: Citizenship; P.E.
• This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
(book info as it appears on the Collins Big Cat website)

Collins Big Cat Progress Series
Band 06 Orange / Band 17 Diamond
It’s a young boy’s last day at primary school, and he excitedly lists off all the points he won’t miss when he goes to “Big School”. But is there anything he will miss? This thought-provoking story was written by Dave Cousins.
• Collins Big Cat Progress books are specifically designed for children at Key Stage 2 who have a Key Stage 1 reading level, giving them age-appropriate texts that they can read, building their confidence and fostering positive attitudes towards reading.
• Text type: A story with a familiar setting
• Curriculum links: Citizenship
• This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
(book info as it appears on the Collins Big Cat website)